Food is Medicine Movie Night Sold Out
A week ago was the first ever "Food is Medicine" Movie Night, featuring the local documentary, "Food is Medicine", created right here in Defiance, Ohio. I expected about 70-90 people to come out. But, 115+ came out for a fun and informative evening at the historic Valentine Theater in downtown Defiance!
The evening opened with me talking about this dream starting earlier this year. I was dreaming of a theater experience I could actually partake in- with real food in the concessions! I also wanted people to be able to take away something new to put into practice, which was anything from the documentary itself inspiring change to the resource sheet I handed out with local stores and farms people could start shopping at. Next, my Naturopathic Doctor, Maleigha White, spoke on the holistic approach to wellness. She rocked it!
The documentary premiered, I closed out the evening with the state of our health and food system in the United States and encouraged everyone with the major shift we've seen in people take responsibility and action for their own health. Upon the show ending, attendees received a local resource sheet and also went through the line to get samples from Foods Alive, Eden Foods, and The Village Square.
The evening amazed me and many were thrilled with the event. Read the feedback below.
The full documentary is below -
“I’ve attended several of your Plant Power classes. However, I just want to say that last night’s presentation was AWESOME! I appreciate all the behind-the-scenes and in-front-of-the camera efforts that it took to pull this event together. Job well done!! I would love to watch it again. Very powerful message!
Thank you for getting people excited about taking responsibility for their health.
“Absolutely fantastic job tonight. I thought the whole event was informative, interesting, and most importantly inspirational. I loved Dr well spoken and relatable. The movie touched on 4 different scenarios so any of us could relate to one. Just really great job. ”
“Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into that presentation tonight. It was much appreciated in our household and I’m sure in many others! I truly loved the testimonies in the documentary; where people have come from, where they are now. Just wanted to say thank you so much for helping to open up my eyes a little farther to food really is medicine. Thanks!!”
“Everything was great, Brooke. The whoopie pie was worth my drive. Your doctor was spot on with explaining Holistic Healthcare. And the 3 people you interviewed were each great with their unique perspectives, showing that eating for health will look different for everyone. Thanks for the work you do.”