Radiation is Real
Why else would France have banned Wi-Fi in schools?
People tend to think you are over-the-top for thinking radiation is a problem. It may be debatable, but one reason I try to minimize it is because we don't know what all it can do to the body and it's not much work to try to reduce it and shut devices off.
Dr. Josh Axe published a page on the topic and a section said this:
Environmental Health Trust warns of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation, saying it contributes to a person’s toxic body burden. The organization points to research showing that that the protective barrier of the brain — the blood-brain barrier — is compromised due to wireless electromagnetic radiation. Several studies suggest wireless radiation pokes holes in this protective barrier, causing more toxic compounds to reach the brain. (10)
Doctors and organizations have also voiced concerns over Wi-Fi technologies in schools, where students and teachers often experience heavy electromagnetic radiation exposure throughout the entire day. Stephen Sinatra, MD, an integrative metabolic cardiologist and co-founder of Doctors for Safer Schools, says the heart is sensitive too and can be adversely affected by the same frequency used for Wi-Fi (2.4 GHz) at levels a fraction of federal guidelines (less than 1 percent) and at levels that have been recorded in schools with Wi-Fi technology.
Dr. Sinatra says children in high-tech classrooms have complained of the following symptoms:
racing heart or irregular heartbeat
feeling faint
difficulty concentrating
chest pain or pressure
It's one of those things where I say "if there's a possibility that it's negative to our health, then it's worth it to make some changes." It does not take much work to:
1. Put my phone in airplane mode when not in use for periods of time, especially at night when I go to bed
2. Shut off my router at night and during the day when not in use
3. Avoid wireless ear buds, watches, and wireless devices that would be on your body or near your head
4. Avoid talking in a cell phone up to your ear; use the speaker to talk
5. If my kids use a wireless device, I make sure it's downloaded and the phone is in airplane mode. But generally, the rule is they don't need to be using my phone.